Division 3 Welcome

The purpose of this site is to define player expectations and outline the administration of the Division 3 Water Volleyball Program, hereinafter referred to as “D3 WVB Program”. 

The D3 WVB Program is an addendum to The Villages Divisional Water Volleyball Program offered to residents of The Villages and organized by the VCDD Recreation and Parks Department. Under the direction of the District Manager and the Executive Director of Recreation and Parks, the program is staffed by a full-time Recreation and Parks Manager.  

To support the D3 WVB Program, a Board of Directors has been established as well as a team of Divisional Ambassadors and Peer Evaluators.

Please see the additional items under the D3 menu for details about the program team, defined policies and procedures and other important material about the program. 

For general inquiries, questions, or feedback about the D3 WVB Program, please send an email to D3villageswvb@gmail.com.  The D3 WVB Board will review all emails and respond accordingly.