D4 Latest News
Sept 28, 2024
August 26, 2024
Sign-up for the Fall D4 competitive league team play is now closed. Click the document below to see the list players that have registered.
August 22, 2024
Sign-up for the Fall D4 competitive league team play for D4 Ladies, D4 Men and D4 Co-Ed WILL CLOSE ON THIS SATURDAY AT 5PM. The league will run for 11 weeks from September 9 through and including November 20.
Click the link below for more information and to sign-up:
If you need to make a change to your existing registration, email szboyer@gmail.com prior to Saturday Sept 24th 5pm.
Here is a list of the currently registered players for the draft and substitutes for each D4 league:
Players Available for the D4 Men's League Draft
Michael Abel
Michael Behr
Michael Mike Berk
Paul Boyer
Mark Bruce
Steven Del Terzo
Michael Mike Gillespie
Jim Goodwin
Paul Guidry
Lawrence Larrry Happes
Jim Henderson
Brian Hennessey
Robert Bob Hutchings
Michael Mike Imperial
William Bill Korell
John Kovach
Bill Minnick
Fred Nannarone
Bob Nicoll
Steve Shulman
Ron Sicilia
Mike Sords
Larry Swick
Richard Cooper
Dale Evankovich
James Jim Greenberg
Denis Hodge
Steve Hoke
Gary Kromer
Joe Joe Robinson
Mike Ryan
Players available for the D4 Ladies League Draft
Mary Beth MB Aguilar
Janie Janie Allan
Janie Black
Linda Boornazian
Sue Boyer
Laura Laura Bringger
Linda Bringger
Joyce Burner
Patty Callaghan
Deborah Deb Cameron
Lori Clark
Janice Collignon
Penny Penny Cullen-Arrighy
Helen Del Terzo
Kim Drobatz
Rose (Rosie) Rosie Evangelista
Pam Fabbro
Mona Fox
Cindy Halinski
Connie Harrington
Sherry Kiszewski
Jane Klotzle
Celeste Koch
Julie Krouse
Cina Lenzi
Paula Love
Kristen Krissy McKevitt
Susan Micki Mckinnish
Lucy Millor
Debbie Mills
Cheryl Moredich
Mollie O’Brien
Deb Ogle
Carolyn Opper
Charla Parks
Cindy Pugliese
Christine Quedens
Vicki Schnurr
Peggy Peg Sellin
Lynne Shifren
Denise Simonetti
Carol Stader
Cindy Cindy Szarek
Crystal Urosevich
Patty Verber
Barbara Barb Walker
Angela Angie Willhite
Debbie Wise
Tricia Wood
Rita Zink
Lesley DeTurk
Karen Fauble
Nancy Miller
Susan Nares
Joan Roberts
Lisa Slomsky
Stephanie Steadman
Barb Stephon
Cathy Sunderman
Players Available for the D4 Co-Ed League Draft
Mary Beth MB Aguilar
Janie Janie Allan
Michael Behr
Janie Black
Laura Laura Bringger
Linda Bringger
Joyce Burner
Lori Clark
Janice Collignon
Richard Cooper
John Davi
Helen Del Terzo
Steven Del Terzo
Kim Drobatz
Dennis Duhaime
Rose (Rosie) Rosie Evangelista
Karen Fauble
Mona Fox
Jim Goodwin
Cindy Halinski
Connie Harrington
Brian Hennessey
Robert Bob Hutchings
Michael Mike Imperial
David Kennell
Tami Kerr
Sherry Kiszewski
William Bill Kloeblen
Jane Klotzle
John Kovach
Julie Krouse
Cina Lenzi
Paula Love
Kristen Krissy McKevitt
Susan Micki Mckinnish
Carolyn McNash
Dean McNash
Debbie Mills
Bill Minnick
Cheryl Moredich
Mollie O’Brien
Cindy Pugliese
Joe Joe Robinson
Lynne Shifren
Steve Shulman
Ron Sicilia
Tom Siple
Mike Sords
Carol Stader
Carrie Swiercinsky
Cindy Cindy Szarek
Crystal Urosevich
Patty Verber
Angela Angie Willhite
Donn Yeagley
Rita Zink
Lucy Buckley
Patty Callaghan
Dale Evankovich
Pam Fabbro
James Greenberg
Celeste Koch
William Korell
Gary Kromer
Nancy Miller
Lucy Millor
Susan Nares
Bob Nicoll
Bev Rovelli
Denise Simonetti
Lisa Slomsky
Stephanie Steadman
July 30, 2024
For the most recent D4 August League Information, click here.
July 22, 2024
Below are the teams for the D4 Men's League - Captain listed first then alphabetically listed team members:
Team 1: Captain Scott Hamilton
Chuck Harris
Larry Happes
Larry Swick
Mark Alman
Mark Julian
Ross Rametta
Team 2: Captain Dennis Duhaime
Bob Nicoll
Dennis Hodge
John Kovach
Mike Sords
Robert Hutchings
Tom Siple
Team 3: Captain Paul Boyer
Charles Vaughan
Kevin Mahlin
Michael Behr
Michael Gillespie
Sergio Bustamante
Team 4: Captain Dale Evankovich
Bob Welch
Brian Hennessey
Mike Ryan
Ron Sicilia
Steve Shulman
Below are the teams for the D4 August COED League - Captain listed first then alphabetically listed team members:
Team 1: Captain Lynne Shifren
Brian Hennessey
Cheryl Moredich
James Greenberg
Karen Fauble
Kathy (Mary) Foley
Mike Sords
Team 2: Captain Sue Boyer
Connie Harrington
Jim White
Michael Behr
Paul Boyer
Paula Love
Sergio Bustamante
Team 3: Captain Janie Black
Celeste Koch
Joye Arbuckle
Mary Beth Aguilar
Robert Hutchings
Ron Sicilia
Susan Nares
Team 4: Captain Christine Pusch
Carrie Stilphen
Janie Allan
Joe Robinson
John Kovach
John Davi
Patty Callaghan
Team 5: Captain Carol Stader
Debbie Biastre
Julie Krouse
Kristen McKevitt
Mark Allman
Sherry Kiszewski
Susan "Micky" McKinnish
Team 6: Captain Dennis Duhaime
Carolyn McNash
Dean McNash
Debbie Mills
Rose Evangelista
Steve Shulman
Tom Siple
Team 7: Captain Laura Bringger
Bob Welch
Carolyn Opper
Janice Collignon
Kevin Mahlan
Laurie Renaud
Pam Fabbro
Team 8: Captain Dale Evankovich
Angela Willhite
Cynthia Pugliese
Linda Bringger
Mark Julian
Melissa Wright
Nancy Miller
July 17, 2024
List of players on the D4 Ladies League sub list.
July 8, 2024
Below are the teams for the D4 August Ladies League - Captain listed first then alphabetically listed team members:
Team 1: Tricia Wood
Debbie Biastre
Celeste Koch
Janie Black
Lisa Wright
Micki McKinnish
Sue Boyer
Team 2: Debbie Wise
Joan Roberts
Joye Arbuckle
Kathy Foley
Laurie Renaud
Lisa Parker
Vicki Schnurr
Team 3: Lucy Millor
Carrie Stilphen
Deb Ogle
Janie Allan
MB Aguilar
Peg Couture
Penny Cullen-Arrighy
Team 4: Pam Fabbro
Barb Stephon
Jean Burr
Kathy Guerrra
Laura Garrison
Lori Clark
Paula Love
Team 5: Angie Whillhite
Carol Stader
Chris Sargent
Deb Cameron
Julie Krouse
Linda Bringger
Susan Nares
Team 6: Sherry Kiszewski
Barb Walker
Debbie Mills
Kristin McKevitt
Shari Wolf
Susan Byrne
Wendy Lier
July 2, 2024
Below is a list of all LADIES ONLY that signed up to play or substitute in the D4 Ladies League.
Angela Willhite
Barbara Stephon
Barbara Walker
Carol Stader
Carrie Stilphen
Celeste Koch
Cheryl Moredich
Chris Sargent
Christine Pusch
Cina Lenzi
Connie Harrington
Crystal Urosevich
Deb Ogle
Debbie Biastre
Debbie Mills
Debbie Wise
Deborah Cameron
Denise Simonetti
Diane Wall
Gwen McHugh
Jane Klotzle
Janet Schmidt
Janice Collignon
Janie Allan
Janie Black
Jean Burr
Joan Roberts
Joyce Burner
Joye Arbuckle
Julie Krouse
Kathleen Guerra
Kathy (Mary) Foley
Kelly Handler
Kim Drobatz
Kristen McKevitt
Laura Bringger
Laurie Renaud
Linda Boornazian
Linda Bringger
Lisa Parker
Lori Clark
Lucy Reece
Lynne Shifren
Margaret Betourne
Mary Randazzo-Welch
Mary Beth Aguilar
Melissa Wright
Mona Fox
Patrice Unger
Paula Love
Peggy Couture
Pam Fabbro
Penny Cullen-Arrighy
Rose Evangelista
Shari Wolf
Sherry Kiszewski
Sue Boyer
Susan Byrne
Susan McKinnish
Susan Nares
Tricia Wood
Vicki Schnurr
Wendy Lier
Carolyn Mcnash
Cindy Halinski
Cindy Szarek
Cynthia Pugliese
Dawn Brock
Debbie Armstrong
Lesley deTurk
Loriana Fonken
Mollie O’Brien
Nancy Miller
Patty Callaghan
Stacy Dintaman
Wanda Mills
July 1, 2024
Sign-up for the D4 competitive league team play for D4 Ladies, D4 Men and D4 Co-Ed is now closed. The league will run for four weeks in August. Standby for information from the board about the drafts and date/time of play.
June 19, 2024
Sign-up for the D4 competitive league team play for D4 Ladies, D4 Men and D4 Co-Ed is has been extended to July 1st. The league will run for four weeks in August.
June 17, 2024
Sign-up for the D4 competitive league team play for D4 Ladies, D4 Men and D4 Co-Ed is now available and will run through Friday June 28th 6pm. The league will run for four weeks in August.
NOTE: After you fill out the info in the sign-up form, most people will get a new screen that says "Thanks for your registration".
Click the link below to sign-up:
June 12, 2024
The D4 Board has decided to bring back competitive league team play for Ladies, Men and Co-Ed. These events will be in addition to the current divisional play everyone currently has access to. For now, assuming the recreation department does not provide additional pool time and space, Ladies competitive team league play will be on Mondays in the not too far future. For Men, the board will decide for either Tuesday, Thursday or Friday based upon the number of people to sign-up for the competitive team league. For Co-Ed, the board will decide for either Sunday or Wednesday based upon the number of people to sign-up for the competitive team league.
The initial effort for this will be a 4 week season. Play in the competitive team league will be similar to what has been done in t he past by the prior committee and the Board before them. Based on the number of people that sign-up to participate, we will have captains, which will in turn select teams via a draft process.
To start this effort, here are the questions and possible answers you will need to make if you choose to sign-up and participate...
What is your First and Last name? Fill-in the blanks
What is your Villages ID number? Fill-in the blank
What is your street address? Fill-in the blank
What is your email address? Fill-in the blank
What is your contact phone number? Fill-in the blank (for use by your captain to contact you)
Please provide an emergency contact name? Fill-in the blank
Please provide an emergency contact phone number for this person? Fill-in the blank
Which competitive league team events would you consider playing in, Mens, Ladies and/or Co-Ed? (Check all that apply to you)
Do you want to be on a team? OR Do you want to Sub Only? (Choose only one option)
Do you want to be a captain? Yes/No
Will you be a Captain, IF NEEDED? Yes/No (This assumes there were insufficient volunteers from the previous question)
Will you possibly miss any league play dates? Yes/No If Yes, which dates? Fill-in the blank (Assuming the 4 week season starts as soon as August or in September)
If you are not Drafted, are you willing to play in the competitive team league as a Sub? Yes/No
Other comments? Fill-in the blank
Stay tuned for a D4 league signup form ...
May 31, 2024
Our D4 Board met on Tuesday night, and in addition to voting on several agenda items, the details of which are starting to be posted, check out the new Division - D4 menus on www.villageswvb.com. We discussed the Monday trial categorization of seasoned and growing players. It was voted to table this initiative for now due to miscommunication. As a board only one month into our term, we are still navigating through trial and error, and we sincerely apologize for any confusion caused. In light of this new decision, we have deleted/archived the existing sign up for Monday June 3rd and will be reposting a new sign up for all players at 5pm today, Friday May 31st.
Your two board members, Lucy Millor and Dale Evankovich will be meeting with The Villages Recreation Department, Andrew Esposito and most likely Jack Doty, regarding the possibility/availability of scheduling a town hall meeting in the not too far future. Logistically this is a challenge, since as of this morning we have 139 D4 ladies, and getting the availability of a room to conduct such a meeting of such potential size and comply with fire, safety and occupancy codes requires direct involvement of The Villages Recreation Department. The main focus of this meeting is to give all of you a platform to express your preferences and make collective decisions about the future of Ladies Division 4, in regards to the recent trial program.
Until then, we highly encourage all ladies to continue signing up. It has been truly wonderful to see such a positive turnout, and we hope this continues. Your participation and engagement are crucial to the success of our division, and we ask for your continued support and patience as we work toward a plan for the future. Thank you for hanging in there with us and for your continued enthusiasm and commitment.
Your D4 Board