D4 Co-Ed League

August Co-Ed League 

Co-Ed league has completed.  Congratulations to Team 4 on taking the Gold, Team 2 Silver and Team 3 Bronze.

D4 Co-Ed League Standings-Results.pdf

The following is the Sub list for Co-Ed league which has already been distributed to the Co-Ed captains.

Debbie Armstrong

Dawn Brock

Joyce Burner

Scott Cammack

Richard Cooper

Penny Cullen-Arrighy

Lesley deTurk

Stacy Dintaman

Kim Drobatz

Kathy  Guerra

Cindy Halinski

Larry Happes

Jane Klotzle

Cina Lenzi

Gwen McHugh

Wanda Mills

Mollie O’Brien

Ross Rametta

Dale Ross

Beverly Rovelli

Chris Sargent

Janet Schmidt

Denise Simonetti

Cindy Szarek

Crystal Urosevich

Captain listed first then alphabetically listed team members:

Team 1: Captain Lynne Shifren

Brian Hennessey

Cheryl Moredich

James Greenberg

Karen Fauble

Kathy (Mary) Foley

Mike Sords

Team 2: Captain Sue Boyer

Connie Harrington

Jim White

Michael Behr

Paul Boyer

Paula Love

Sergio Bustamante

Team 3: Captain Janie Black

Celeste Koch

Joye Arbuckle

Mary Beth Aguilar

Robert Hutchings

Ron Sicilia

Susan Nares

Team 4: Captain Christine Pusch

Carrie Stilphen

Janie Allan

Joe Robinson

John Kovach

John Davi

Patty Callaghan

Team 5: Captain Carol Stader

Debbie Biastre

Julie Krouse

Kristen McKevitt

Mark Allman

Sherry Kiszewski

Susan  "Micky" McKinnish

Team 6: Captain Dennis Duhaime

Carolyn McNash

Dean McNash

Debbie Mills

Rose Evangelista

Steve Shulman

Tom Siple

Team 7: Captain Laura Bringger

Bob Welch

Carolyn Opper

Janice Collignon

Kevin Mahlan

Laurie Renaud

Pam Fabbro

Team 8: Captain Dale Evankovich

Angela Willhite

Cynthia Pugliese

Linda Bringger

Mark Julian

Melissa Wright

Nancy Miller