D4 Mens League

August Men's League 

Men's league has completed.  Congratulations to Team 3 on taking the Gold, Team 4 Silver and Team 2 Bronze.

D4 Mens League Standings-Results.pdf

The following is the Sub list for men’s league which has already been distributed to the men’s captains.

Sub List:

Richard Cacace

Scott Cammack

James Greenberg

Steve Hoke

Gary Kromer

John McGrath

Dean Mcnash

Joe Robinson 

Dale Ross 

Captain listed first then alphabetically listed team members:

Team 1:  Captain Scott Hamilton

Chuck Harris

Larry Happes

Larry Swick

Mark Alman

Mark Julian

Ross Rametta

Team 2: Captain Dennis Duhaime

Bob Nicoll

Dennis Hodge

John Kovach

Mike Sords

Robert Hutchings

Tom Siple

Team 3: Captain Paul Boyer

Charles Vaughan 

Kevin Mahlin

Michael Behr

Michael Gillespie

  Sergio Bustamante

Team 4: Captain Dale Evankovich

Bob Welch

Brian Hennessey

Mike Ryan

Ron Sicilia

Steve Shulman