I attended a first time try-out sponsored by the recreation department and was told I was D4, what happens now?
A player who attends a tryout and is given a D4 provisional rating will have to participate in at least 2 events for further evaluation by the D4 evaluation team. Ambassadors will try to assist the player in getting included in events if the player is waitlisted, but there is no guarantee. The player may still choose to opt out of a sign-up.
A minimum of 2 total evaluations by 2 different evaluators on 2 different days and 1 on deck written evaluation if a player scored less than a 12 average will be conducted. The current policy in D4 is that a player must have an average score of 12 to become or retain their full D4 status. Once the evaluation team has conducted their evaluations on the player a final decision will be made to grant the player full D4 status or based on those evaluations they may be moved to D5. If the player does not sign up to play in events where they can be evaluated by the D4 evaluation team, they will retain the provisional D4 rating status for a period of one year before they are eligible to attend a first-time try-out again.
Click here to reference a document with instructions for using Stack app.
How can I get a D3 Visitor pass?
Click here to view the D4 policy on how to request a Visitor Pass to D3.
How does a currently rated D5 player get a chance to play in D4?
Click here to view the Visitor Pass policy to D4 from D5.
What’s this ongoing evaluation process I keep hearing about?
Click here for more details.
Does my D4 Rating ever expire?
Yes, if you choose not to play at all for an entire year, read more about the evaluation process by clicking here. '
What is this Visitor Pass, Approved Guest stuff, please help me understand?
A Visitor Pass, I'll use the abbreviation VP from now on, is the way a WVB player has the opportunity to play with a different division for awhile and that person's play during those visits will be evaluated by the division they are playing with. For example, a D4 player like you, might request a VP to play in D3. Once approved, following the policy listed elsewhere on this website, you would get to play in at least 2 session events with D3 players. During those sessions, D3 evaluators will be rating your level of play and performance. Shortly after completing those minimum 2 sessions, the D3 Lead Evaluator will advise you of their decision. One of two outcomes will happen, the first possibly being a decision of their evaluators that you are not ready to continue playing with D3 yet and will be returned to D4 for continued improvement and training. The second possibility will be that your VP will be upgraded to Approved Guest, I'll use the abbreviation AG from now on. AG status grants you a period of up to 30 additional days to sign-up and play in D3 events. During that period, you will continue to be evaluated by the D3 Evaluation team in an effort to make a final determination of whether you will be upgraded to full D3 status or returned to D4. That decision can be rendered at anytime during the AG 30 day period. An extremely similar process exists for D5 WVB Players, the terms and definitions of VP and AG are same for D5s.